--- name: Kaniko authors: Woodpecker Authors description: Plugin to build container images without root privileges tags: [docker, podman, container, build] containerImage: woodpeckerci/plugin-kaniko containerImageUrl: https://hub.docker.com/r/woodpeckerci/plugin-kaniko url: https://github.com/woodpecker-ci/plugin-kaniko --- Settings can be defined using the `settings` option for woodpecker plugins. All available settings and their defaults are listed below. ## Settings | Settings Name | Default | Description | | ------------- | ----------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | | `dry-run` | `false` | disables docker push | | `repo` | _none_ | sets repository name for the image (can be a list) | | `username` | _none_ | sets username to authenticates with | | `password` | _none_ | sets password / token to authenticates with | | `registry` | `https://index.docker.io/v1/` | sets docker registry to authenticate with | | `dockerfile` | `Dockerfile` | sets dockerfile to use for the image build | | `tags` | _none_ | sets repository tags to use for the image | ## Advanced Settings | Settings Name | Default | Description | | --------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `context` | `.` | sets the path of the build context to use | | `build-args` | _none_ | sets custom build arguments for the build | | `build-args-from-env` | _none_ | forwards environment variables as custom arguments to the build | | `auto-tag` | `false` | if set generate .tags file, support format Major.Minor.Release or start with `v` docker tags: Major, Major.Minor, Major.Minor.Release and latest | | `log-level` | `info` | set different log level | | `target` | _none_ | | `cache` | `false` | use a cache repo | | `cache-repo` | _none_ | specify the cache repo | | `cache-ttl` | _none_ | set the time to live for the cache | | `skip-tls-verify` | `false` | ignore tls issues | | `mirrors` | _none_ | set docker hub mirrors | | `json-key` | _none_ | pass a json key to kaniko |