when: - event: pull_request - event: tag - event: push branch: - ${CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCH} - renovate/* variables: - &platforms 'linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/s390x' # vars used on push / tag events only - publish_logins: &publish_logins # Default DockerHub login - registry: https://index.docker.io/v1/ username: from_secret: docker_username password: from_secret: docker_password # Additional Quay.IO login - registry: https://quay.io username: from_secret: QUAY_IO_USER password: from_secret: QUAY_IO_TOKEN - &publish_repos 'docker.io/woodpeckerci/plugin-kaniko,quay.io/woodpeckerci/plugin-kaniko' steps: lint: image: alpine:3.19 commands: - apk add -U shellcheck - shellcheck -e SC3040 -e SC3010 -e SC3037 -e SC3020 -e SC2162 *.sh when: - event: pull_request - event: push branch: renovate/* # TODO: add test of fresh build kaniko build-dryrun: image: woodpeckerci/plugin-docker-buildx:2.3.0 depends_on: - lint settings: repo: test/repo dry_run: true platforms: *platforms tags: latest when: - event: pull_request - event: push branch: renovate/* release-next: image: woodpeckerci/plugin-docker-buildx:2.3.0 settings: repo: *publish_repos platforms: *platforms tags: next logins: *publish_logins when: branch: ${CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCH} event: push release-tag: image: woodpeckerci/plugin-docker-buildx:2.3.0 settings: repo: *publish_repos platforms: *platforms auto_tag: true # remove line below if you can read it on a release branch and it's not the latest release branch tags: latest logins: *publish_logins when: event: tag