Signed-off-by: Piotr Gorski <lucjan.lucjanov@gmail.com>
56 lines
2.7 KiB
56 lines
2.7 KiB
pkgbase = linux-cachyos
pkgdesc = Linux EEVDF-BORE scheduler Kernel by CachyOS with other patches and improvements
pkgver = 6.4.2
pkgrel = 1
url = https://github.com/CachyOS/linux-cachyos
arch = x86_64
arch = x86_64_v3
license = GPL2
makedepends = bc
makedepends = libelf
makedepends = pahole
makedepends = cpio
makedepends = perl
makedepends = tar
makedepends = xz
makedepends = zstd
makedepends = gcc
makedepends = gcc-libs
makedepends = glibc
makedepends = binutils
makedepends = make
makedepends = patch
makedepends = python
options = !strip
source = https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v6.x/linux-6.4.2.tar.xz
source = config
source = auto-cpu-optimization.sh
source = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cachyos/kernel-patches/master/6.4/all/0001-cachyos-base-all.patch
source = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cachyos/kernel-patches/master/6.4/sched/0001-EEVDF.patch
source = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cachyos/kernel-patches/master/6.4/sched/0001-bore-eevdf.patch
b2sums = 691313012a4f20e419c1870d47f642cbadee3da739663f89575011f566b376c1a8a291ffc2db5157e30584cd0f6de444635a85bc178fa819e181ee3e6e7d1202
b2sums = c92a900bf397dc05cc4dcd1669f8736a15aa500be9d0ee93aac5c66d2055f7493f09a1d85a523a8183a06c7a962c7721d13960157a35a4cb2f9b4df507bc67c9
b2sums = 11d2003b7d71258c4ca71d71c6b388f00fe9a2ddddc0270e304148396dadfd787a6cac1363934f37d0bfb098c7f5851a02ecb770e9663ffe57ff60746d532bd0
b2sums = 80877d71ac9cc5c2b8a9b871c8c70ed496cc478516a36cdc23e84424f3d6059abdc2e23dcab8a4afb4d8cc66bf1964d739ecd584c5dc88d22cdb5ee3902b4f1d
b2sums = 1d9844923224c45dbf1c428592dfa607997284c9421dd6906166caeb37d6cc109cfc445a0f544578ccd77803ec5a616a106eb89cd5f95eba15273a6af72c1680
b2sums = ce9cf211bf76c09bbea0f824fbbba37c4dcd19d3679220286e5d03a080b2ef255dccfb5158206985586cb95303b15b3014c4a4b7bde95b1e8b08f38f6e861491
pkgname = linux-cachyos
pkgdesc = The Linux EEVDF-BORE scheduler Kernel by CachyOS with other patches and improvements kernel and modules
depends = coreutils
depends = kmod
depends = initramfs
optdepends = wireless-regdb: to set the correct wireless channels of your country
optdepends = linux-firmware: firmware images needed for some devices
optdepends = modprobed-db: Keeps track of EVERY kernel module that has ever been probed - useful for those of us who make localmodconfig
optdepends = uksmd: Userspace KSM helper daemon
provides = KSMBD-MODULE
provides = UKSMD-BUILTIN
pkgname = linux-cachyos-headers
pkgdesc = Headers and scripts for building modules for the Linux EEVDF-BORE scheduler Kernel by CachyOS with other patches and improvements kernel
depends = pahole
depends = linux-cachyos