package main import ( "os" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "" "" "" ) const ( metricPrefix = "freebox_" ) var ( promDescInfo = prometheus.NewDesc( metricPrefix+"info", "constant metric with value=1. Various information about the Freebox", []string{"firmware", "mac", "serial", "boardname", "box_flavor", "connection_type", "connection_state", "connection_media", "ipv4", "ipv6"}, nil) promDescSystemUptime = prometheus.NewDesc( metricPrefix+"system_uptime", "freebox uptime (in seconds)", nil, nil) promDescSystemTemp = prometheus.NewDesc( metricPrefix+"system_temp_degrees", "temperature (°C)", []string{"id"}, nil) promDescSystemFanRpm = prometheus.NewDesc( metricPrefix+"system_fan_rpm", "fan rpm", []string{"id"}, nil) promDescConnectionBandwith = prometheus.NewDesc( metricPrefix+"connection_bandwith_bps", "available upload/download bandwidth in bit/s", []string{"dir"}, nil) // up/down promDescConnectionBytes = prometheus.NewDesc( metricPrefix+"connection_bytes", "total uploaded/downloaded bytes since last connection", []string{"dir"}, nil) // up/down promDescConnectionXdslInfo = prometheus.NewDesc( metricPrefix+"connection_xdsl_info", "constant metric with value=1. Various information about the XDSL connection", []string{"status", "protocol", "modulation"}, nil) promDescConnectionXdslUptime = prometheus.NewDesc( metricPrefix+"connection_xdsl_uptime", "uptime in seconds", nil, nil) promDescConnectionXdslMaxRate = prometheus.NewDesc( metricPrefix+"connection_xdsl_maxrate_bps", "ATM max rate in bit/s", []string{"dir"}, nil) // up/down promDescConnectionXdslRate = prometheus.NewDesc( metricPrefix+"connection_xdsl_rate_bps", "ATM rate in bit/s", []string{"dir"}, nil) // up/down promDescConnectionXdslSnr = prometheus.NewDesc( metricPrefix+"connection_xdsl_snr_db", "in Db", []string{"dir"}, nil) // up/down promDescConnectionXdslAttn = prometheus.NewDesc( metricPrefix+"connection_xdsl_attn_db", "in Db", []string{"dir"}, nil) // up/down promDescConnectionFtthInfo = prometheus.NewDesc( metricPrefix+"connection_ftth_info", "constant metric with value=1. Various information about the FTTH connection", []string{"sfp_present", "sfp_alim_ok", "sfp_has_power_report", "sfp_has_signal", "link", "sfp_serial", "sfp_model", "sfp_vendor"}, nil) promDescConnectionFtthSfpPwr = prometheus.NewDesc( metricPrefix+"connection_fttp_sfp_pwr_dbm", "in Dbm", []string{"dir"}, nil) // rx/tx promDescSwitchPortConnected = prometheus.NewDesc( metricPrefix+"switch_port_connected", "number of ports connnected", nil, nil) promDescSwitchPortBandwidth = prometheus.NewDesc( metricPrefix+"switch_port_bandwidth", "in bps", []string{"id", "link", "duplex"}, nil) // rx/tx promDescSwitchPortBytes = prometheus.NewDesc( metricPrefix+"switch_port_bytes", "total rx/tx bytes", []string{"id", "dir", "state"}, nil) // rx/tx, good/bad promDescSwitchHost = prometheus.NewDesc( metricPrefix+"switch_host", "constant metric with value=1. List of MAC addresses connected to the switch", []string{"id", "mac", "hostname"}, nil) // rx/tx promDescLanHosts = prometheus.NewDesc( metricPrefix+"lan_hosts", "number of hosts detected", []string{"interface", "active"}, nil) promDescLanHostActive = prometheus.NewDesc( metricPrefix+"lan_host_active", "1 if active, 0 if not. Various information about the l2/l3 addresses", []string{"interface", "vendor_name", "primary_name", "l2_type", "l2_id", "l3_type", "l3_address"}, nil) ) // Collector is the prometheus collector for the freebox exporter type Collector struct { hostDetails bool freebox *fbx.FreeboxConnection } func (c *Collector) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) { log.Debug.Println("Describe") ch2 := make(chan prometheus.Metric) go func() { c.Collect(ch2) close(ch2) }() metrics := make([]prometheus.Metric, 16) for v := range ch2 { metrics = append(metrics, v) ch <- v.Desc() } } func (c *Collector) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) { log.Debug.Println("Collect") wg := sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(4) var firmwareVersion string var mac string var serial string var boardName string var boxFlavor string go func() { defer wg.Done() log.Debug.Println("Collect system") if m, err := c.freebox.GetMetricsSystem(); err == nil { firmwareVersion = m.FirmwareVersion mac = m.Mac serial = m.Serial boardName = m.BoardName boxFlavor = m.BoxFlavor c.collectCounter(ch, m.UptimeValue, promDescSystemUptime) for _, sensor := range m.Sensors { c.collectGauge(ch, sensor.Value, promDescSystemTemp, sensor.ID) } if len(m.Sensors) == 0 { c.collectGauge(ch, m.TempCPUM, promDescSystemTemp, "temp_cpum") c.collectGauge(ch, m.TempCPUB, promDescSystemTemp, "temp_cpub") c.collectGauge(ch, m.TempSW, promDescSystemTemp, "temp_sw") } for _, fan := range m.Fans { c.collectGauge(ch, fan.Value, promDescSystemFanRpm, fan.ID) } if len(m.Fans) == 0 { c.collectGauge(ch, m.FanRpm, promDescSystemFanRpm, "fan") } } else { log.Error.Println(err) } }() var cnxType string var cnxState string var cnxMedia string var cnxIPv4 string var cnxIPv6 string go func() { defer wg.Done() log.Debug.Println("Collect connection") if m, err := c.freebox.GetMetricsConnection(); err == nil { cnxType = m.Type cnxState = m.State cnxMedia = m.Media cnxIPv4 = m.IPv4 cnxIPv6 = m.IPv6 c.collectGauge(ch, m.BandwidthUp, promDescConnectionBandwith, "up") c.collectGauge(ch, m.BandwidthDown, promDescConnectionBandwith, "down") c.collectCounter(ch, m.BytesUp, promDescConnectionBytes, "up") c.collectCounter(ch, m.BytesDown, promDescConnectionBytes, "down") if m.Xdsl != nil { if m.Xdsl.Status != nil { ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(promDescConnectionXdslInfo, prometheus.GaugeValue, 1, m.Xdsl.Status.Status, m.Xdsl.Status.Protocol, m.Xdsl.Status.Modulation) c.collectCounter(ch, m.Xdsl.Status.Uptime, promDescConnectionXdslUptime) } c.collectXdslStats(ch, m.Xdsl.Up, "up") c.collectXdslStats(ch, m.Xdsl.Down, "down") } if m.Ftth != nil { ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(promDescConnectionFtthInfo, prometheus.GaugeValue, 1, c.toString(m.Ftth.SfpPresent), c.toString(m.Ftth.SfpAlimOk), c.toString(m.Ftth.SfpHasPowerReport), c.toString(m.Ftth.SfpHasSignal), c.toString(m.Ftth.Link), m.Ftth.SfpSerial, m.Ftth.SfpModel, m.Ftth.SfpVendor) c.collectGaugeWithFactor(ch, m.Ftth.SfpPwrTx, 0.01, promDescConnectionFtthSfpPwr, "tx") c.collectGaugeWithFactor(ch, m.Ftth.SfpPwrRx, 0.01, promDescConnectionFtthSfpPwr, "rx") } } else { log.Error.Println(err) } }() go func() { defer wg.Done() log.Debug.Println("Collect switch") if m, err := c.freebox.GetMetricsSwitch(); err == nil { numPortsConnected := 0 for _, port := range m.Ports { if port.Link == "up" { numPortsConnected++ } speed, _ := strconv.Atoi(port.Speed) portID := strconv.FormatInt(port.ID, 10) ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(promDescSwitchPortBandwidth, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(speed), portID, port.Link, port.Duplex) if port.Stats != nil { c.collectCounter(ch, port.Stats.RxGoodBytes, promDescSwitchPortBytes, portID, "rx", "good") c.collectCounter(ch, port.Stats.RxBadBytes, promDescSwitchPortBytes, portID, "rx", "bad") c.collectCounter(ch, port.Stats.TxBytes, promDescSwitchPortBytes, portID, "tx", "") } if c.hostDetails { for _, mac := range port.MacList { ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(promDescSwitchHost, prometheus.GaugeValue, 1, portID, strings.ToLower(mac.Mac), mac.Hostname) } } } ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(promDescSwitchPortConnected, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(numPortsConnected)) } else { log.Error.Println(err) } }() go func() { defer wg.Done() log.Debug.Println("Collect lan") if m, err := c.freebox.GetMetricsLan(); err == nil { for name, hosts := range m.Hosts { hostsUnknown := 0 hostsActive := 0 hostsInactive := 0 for _, host := range hosts { if host != nil { active := c.toBool(host.Active) if active { hostsActive++ } else { hostsInactive++ } if c.hostDetails { for _, l3 := range host.L3Connectivities { active := float64(0) if c.toBool(l3.Active) { active = 1 } ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(promDescLanHostActive, prometheus.GaugeValue, active, name, host.VendorName, host.PrimaryName, host.L2Ident.Type, strings.ToLower(host.L2Ident.ID), l3.Af, l3.Addr) } } } else { hostsUnknown += len(hosts) } } ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(promDescLanHosts, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(hostsActive), name, "true") ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(promDescLanHosts, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(hostsInactive), name, "false") if hostsUnknown > 0 { // there should not be any ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(promDescLanHosts, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(hostsUnknown), name, "unknown") } } } else { log.Error.Println(err) } }() wg.Wait() ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(promDescInfo, prometheus.GaugeValue, 1, firmwareVersion, strings.ToLower(mac), serial, boardName, boxFlavor, cnxType, cnxState, cnxMedia, cnxIPv4, cnxIPv6) } func (c *Collector) collectXdslStats(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric, stats *fbx.MetricsFreeboxConnectionXdslStats, dir string) { if stats != nil { c.collectGaugeWithFactor(ch, stats.Maxrate, 1000, promDescConnectionXdslMaxRate) c.collectGaugeWithFactor(ch, stats.Rate, 1000, promDescConnectionXdslRate) if stats.Snr10 != nil { c.collectGaugeWithFactor(ch, stats.Snr10, 0.1, promDescConnectionXdslSnr) } else { c.collectGauge(ch, stats.Snr, promDescConnectionXdslSnr, dir) } if stats.Attn10 != nil { c.collectGaugeWithFactor(ch, stats.Attn10, 0.1, promDescConnectionXdslAttn) } else { c.collectGauge(ch, stats.Attn, promDescConnectionXdslAttn, dir) } } } func (c *Collector) collectGauge(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric, value *int64, desc *prometheus.Desc, labels ...string) { c.collectConst(ch, prometheus.GaugeValue, value, desc, labels...) } func (c *Collector) collectCounter(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric, value *int64, desc *prometheus.Desc, labels ...string) { c.collectConst(ch, prometheus.CounterValue, value, desc, labels...) } func (c *Collector) collectConst(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric, valueType prometheus.ValueType, value *int64, desc *prometheus.Desc, labels ...string) { if value != nil { ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(desc, valueType, float64(*value), labels...) } } func (c *Collector) collectGaugeWithFactor(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric, value *int64, factor float64, desc *prometheus.Desc, labels ...string) { c.collectConstWithFactor(ch, prometheus.GaugeValue, value, factor, desc, labels...) } func (c *Collector) collectConstWithFactor(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric, valueType prometheus.ValueType, value *int64, factor float64, desc *prometheus.Desc, labels ...string) { if value != nil { ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(desc, valueType, float64(*value)*factor, labels...) } } func (c *Collector) toString(b *bool) string { if b != nil { return strconv.FormatBool(*b) } return "unknown" } func (c *Collector) toBool(b *bool) bool { return b != nil && *b } func NewCollector(filename string, hostDetails, debug bool) *Collector { result := &Collector{ hostDetails: hostDetails, } newConfig := false if r, err := os.Open(filename); err == nil { log.Info.Println("Use configuration file", filename) defer r.Close() result.freebox, err = fbx.NewFreeboxConnectionFromConfig(debug, r) if err != nil { panic(err) } } else { log.Info.Println("Could not find the configuration file", filename) newConfig = true result.freebox, err = fbx.NewFreeboxConnection(debug) if err != nil { panic(err) } } if newConfig { log.Info.Println("Write the configuration file", filename) w, err := os.Create(filename) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer w.Close() if err := result.freebox.WriteConfig(w); err != nil { panic(err) } } return result } func (c *Collector) Close() { c.freebox.Close() }