--- # project information project_name: pyload-ng project_url: "https://pyload.net/" project_logo: "https://pyload.net/img/banner.png" project_blurb: "[pyLoad]({{ project_url }}) is a Free and Open Source download manager written in Python and designed to be extremely lightweight, easily extensible and fully manageable via web." project_lsio_github_repo_url: "https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-{{ project_name }}" # supported architectures available_architectures: - { arch: "{{ arch_x86_64 }}", tag: "amd64-latest"} - { arch: "{{ arch_arm64 }}", tag: "arm64v8-latest"} - { arch: "{{ arch_armhf }}", tag: "arm32v7-latest"} # development version development_versions: true development_versions_items: - { tag: "latest", desc: "Stable releases from pyLoad Next" } - { tag: "development", desc: "Releases from pyload Next development branch" } # container parameters param_container_name: "{{ project_name }}" param_usage_include_vols: true param_volumes: - { vol_path: "/config", vol_host_path: "/path/to/appdata/config", desc: "pyLoad Configuration and files database" } - { vol_path: "/downloads", vol_host_path: "/path/to/downloads", desc: "Destination of pyLoad downloads" } param_usage_include_ports: true param_ports: - { external_port: "8000", internal_port: "8000", port_desc: "Allows HTTP access to the application" } param_usage_include_env: true param_env_vars: - { env_var: "TZ", env_value: "Europe/London", desc: "Specify a timezone to use EG Europe/London"} # optional params opt_param_usage_include_ports: false opt_param_ports: - { external_port: "7227", internal_port: "7227", port_desc: "pyLoad control port" } # application setup block app_setup_block_enabled: true app_setup_block: | Access the web interface at `http://your-ip:8000` the default login is: username - **pyload** password - **pyload** For general usage please see the pyLoad wiki [here](https://github.com/pyload/pyload/wiki) . # changelog changelogs: - { date: "24.01.22:", desc: "Initial release." }