83 lines
2.7 KiB
83 lines
2.7 KiB
procname-master = %n
plugins = UWSGI_PLUGIN
master = true
socket = /run/%n/%n.sock
# uncomment for a stats socket, that can be used with uwsgitop
# stats = /run/%n/%n-stats.sock
uid = nextcloud
gid = nextcloud
processes = 10
cheaper = 4
cheaper-step = 1
idle = 600
die-on-idle = true
; reload whenever this config file changes
touch-reload = %p
cloud_data_dir = /var/lib/nextcloud/data
cloud_writable_apps_dir = /var/lib/nextcloud/apps
chdir = %(cloud_data_dir)
php-allowed-ext = .php
php-docroot = /usr/share/webapps/%n
php-index = index.php
php-set = date.timezone=Europe/Berlin
php-set = open_basedir=%(cloud_data_dir):%(cloud_writable_apps_dir):/var/lib/%n:/tmp/:/usr/share/webapps/%n:/etc/webapps/%n:/dev/urandom:/usr/lib/PHP_INTERPRETER/modules:/run/redis/redis.sock:/var/log/%n/%n.log:/proc/meminfo
php-set = session.save_path=/tmp
php-set = session.gc_maxlifetime 21600
php-set = session.gc_divisor 500
php-set = session.gc_probability 1
php-set = post_max_size=1000M
php-set = upload_max_filesize=1000M
php-set = always_populate_raw_post_data=-1
php-set = max_input_time=120
php-set = max_execution_time=60
php-set = memory_limit=768M
php-set = zend_extension=opcache
php-set = opcache.enable=1
php-set = opcache.enable_cli=1
php-set = opcache.interned_strings_buffer=8
php-set = opcache.max_accelerated_files=10000
php-set = opcache.memory_consumption=128
php-set = opcache.save_comments=1
php-set = opcache.revalidate_freq=1
# uncomment if php-apcu is installed and used
# php-set = extension=apcu
php-set = extension=bcmath
php-set = extension=bz2
php-set = extension=curl
php-set = extension=exif
php-set = extension=ftp
php-set = extension=gd
php-set = extension=gmp
# uncomment if php-imagick is installed and used
# php-set = extension=imagick
# uncomment if php-imap is installed and used
# php-set = extension=imap
# uncomment if php-intl is installed and used
# php-set = extension=intl
php-set = extension=iconv
php-set = extension=ldap
# uncomment if php-memcached is installed and used
# php-set = extension=memcached
php-set = extension=pdo_mysql
# uncomment if php-pgsql is installed and used
# php-set = extension=pdo_pgsql
php-set = extension=pdo_sqlite
# uncomment if php-igbinary is installed and used
# php-set = extension=igbinary
# uncomment if php-redis is installed and used (requires php-igbinary)
# php-set = extension=redis
php-set = extension=sockets
# uncomment if php-xsl is installed and used
# php-set = extension=xsl
php-set = extension=zip
# change the URL to your own address and uncomment to run a webcron job every five minutes
# cron = -5 -1 -1 -1 -1 curl --silent https://change.me.tld/cron.php 1>/dev/null
# uncomment to run a cron job every five minutes
# cron = -5 -1 -1 -1 -1 PHP_INTERPRETER -f /usr/share/webapps/%n/cron.php